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What Kind of Leader Do You Want to Be? Defining Your Optimal Leadership StyleWhat makes a good leader? Many of the things we’ve been taught about “good” leadership simply aren’t true. Worse yet – many popular leadership styles can do more harm than good. In this course we examine what makes a good leader, and what behaviors guarantee that you will be a bad leader. We start by taking a look at the current state of the criminal justice system in 2022 and the critical importance of effective leadership. We take a close look at the functions of managers and leaders, how they differ and how to give employees what the REALLY want (spoiler alert:it’s not more money). We will discuss common management styles and help attendees identify their ideal leadership style.
The Boomer Zoomer Tower of Babel: Generational Understanding and how to Leverage our DifferencesHave you noticed it? As more generations enter the workplace, our ability to communicate and get along decreases. Workplaces across the country are struggling to promote teamwork as well as increase the performance and understanding across generations. Vera Causa Group will give you the tools to turn your generational frustration into a smooth-running machine. We will help your team understand the perspectives and opportunities that each generation presents to the workplace and provide ideas and solutions for working more collaboratively together, despite age differences.
You say Tomato… Creating a High Functioning Workplace through the Power of DifferencePeople are different – and that’s a good thing. The strongest organizations leverage multiple perspectives in getting work done. However, different personality styles can create organizational turmoil if team members don’t understand and value the differing styles of others. This training is designed to help people understand the different types of personality styles in the workplace and gives tips and advice on how to work successfully and inclusively with others. Many prosecutors’ offices have found this training transformative.
Coaching 101: How to Give Positive and Constructive Feedback to Enhance PerformanceMost of us like to give compliments, but many managers would rather donate a kidney than give constructive feedback to a struggling team member. Yet, when constructive feedback is provided on an ongoing basis, lines of communication are open, employees become more productive and creative contributors and managers achieve their goals quickly and easily. This session helps managers give the type of feedback that can enhance both individual and organizational performance. INSERT MORE We will focus on giving feedback to individuals from various generations to appeal to the aspirations most important to them. We will also conduct role play to practice the techniques of giving feedback with real life situations from prosecuting attorney’s offices. Possible Add: How to Create an Effective Performance Management System (or something like that)
Getting the Most out of your Existing Performance Management ProcessWe believe performance reviews should be something to look forward to, not something to dread. Vera Causa Group will create a customized training centered around your performance management process help your managers utilize the tools available to them to motivate employees, focus on professional development, hold people accountable and achieve top performance. We will work with your managers to help reduce the time obligations and anxiety performance management processes can create.We will help them improve their feedback skills so they can have more meaningful performance conversations throughout the year.
Building Effective TeamsStrong teams are important and difficult to maintain when workloads are high, and the time to build relationships are low. Believe it or not – well trained supervisors can make all the difference in the effectiveness of teams in your organization. Lower-level managers have the most influence on how well their teams work together and trust each other. VCG will teach lower and mid-level managers how to create and maintain effective teams by supporting professional relationship by building and establishing a positive and open-minded team culture. Attendees will learn ways to motivate their teams to work together with less conflict and more fun while also striving for top performance.
Seven Steps for Addressing Performance IssuesPerformance problems happen in every organization and learning to effectively handle these issues is one of the most important things managers do.However, for various reasons, the conversations and the documentation required to address problem employees are often not implemented in a way that can protect both the office and the employee.This course takes a step-by-step approach to managing an employee’s performance in a way that improves employee performance or prepares the employee to leave the organization (either voluntarily or due to termination.)
Solutions in Action – Let’s Figure it Out TogetherIn this dynamic course, we’llscenario plan to address the common types of issues that arise in prosecutors’ offices.Participants are also encouraged to bring their own real-time issues for ideas on how to successfully manage them.
Leadership in Times of Uncertainty and UnrestIn today’s world, modern prosecutors are facing unprecedented challenges and visibility. We have to get it right, especially when the world is watching. This module will help leaders prepare for and successfully handle the various types of crises that may come their way without warning. Attendees will be equipped to skillfully manage operations and communications during events such as officer-involved shootings, pandemics, high-profile cases and “self-inflicted wounds” (internal office issues that become external media matters). We will help you be the leader that your office and the community need in times of crisis.
Office Culture – The Secret SauceA good office culture is one of the most powerful tools any leader has.Every office has a culture – but is yours designed to promote excellence and conviction integrity?In this module we will teach how to intentionally design a culture of top performance from the ground up, and how to make sure your improved office culture lasts over the years to come.
Changing Times: Leadership for the Modern ProsecutorThe job of the prosecutor is harder than ever in modern times. In addition to legal knowledge, today’s prosecution executives must have top-notch leadership skills. In this module, we will discuss ten principles of leadership for the modern prosecutor. Attendees will learn how to be a more credible, resilient and respected leader both in and outside the office.
I’m Newly Elected, Now What?At Vera Causa Group, we’ve seen many newly elected prosecutors over the years. They come into office fresh off of a successful election and are eager to execute their vision for the office.Some are successful in navigating the transition, but many fail to get the traction they need to accomplish their goals.In this module, we share our secrets for success as a newly elected prosecutor.We will discuss how to create a culture of unity, avoid negativity and move the office in the direction of your choosing.We will also identify hidden pitfalls and traps that can completely stall a newly elected prosecutor’s momentum.
We’re Not in Kansas Anymore...Making the Transition From Defense Attorney to Lead Prosecutor:Leading a prosecution office is always challenging. But those who become elected/appointed prosecutors after a career in criminal defense face even more challenges. Yet, contrary to what you may have heard, it is possible to be successful WITHOUT firing all the existing staff. At VCG, we’ve seen some former defense attorneys make this transition effectively, and some completely blow themselves up.In this course we will share the secrets to success, and what behaviors guarantee be a newly elected/appointed prosecutor – but when your background is criminal defense it’s even harder to win the hearts and minds of the office team.
Change Management: It’s a fact – humans resist change. Yet change is constant.When an organization is faced by changing laws, new leadership, emerging community viewpoints, the implementation of a new technology, or the introduction of new processes, the established culture may impede progress unless it is proactively addressed by the organization. This session helps employees better understand the change model and the emotions that accompany organizational change. Employees learn techniques to help them overcome obstacles, align with new strategies and values, and achieve desired results within the new organizational structure.
Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Real World: Can’t we all just get along?This course is designed to help individuals build greater effectiveness in their organizations and in their personal style. People learn interpersonal communications skills that will enable them to better relate with people at work and at home. Areas of focus include Noble Intent, Generous Listening, 100% Responsibility and Telling the Truth. These skills can help people avoid conflict, inspire others, achieve results through others. This involves role play and will also include additional training on personality traits.
Surviving the Great Resignation: Attracting and Retaining TalentThe repercussions of the pandemic and the Great Resignation have been severe on prosecuting attorneys’ offices across the country. Maintaining strong morale and engagement is a critical component of effective leadership. When you have serious organizational turnover, it is especially urgent that you take measures to keep your team positive and motivated. This course is designed to help leadership understand the reason people are leaving the profession of prosecution. We will provide a road map that will help leaders successfully revamp the office culture to align with your vision, create or maintain high employee morale, and recruit and retain top performers.
Professionalism in the Modern Prosecutor’s OfficeDo you have a professionalism issue in your office?If so, you are not alone.Across the country, prosecution leaders are identifying gaps between the behavior of new and younger employees and the established norms of the office.We believe these gaps are caused in part by generational differences and the remote work environment of the pandemic.This course is directed to new members of the office who may need some additional coaching on what professionalism looks like in your office.Attendees will leave with an understanding of the behaviors that will support their success.
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